Monday, September 30, 2019

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 102

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 102 Poet and screenwriter, Susan Griffin, once said, â€Å"A story is told as much by silence as by speech. † This statement underlines the fact that just because words are not spoken, it does not mean that there is no meaning behind the silence. Someone’s lack of words can have as much, if not even more, power as another’s most persuasive speech. In Sonnet 102, Shakespeare explains why he believes in the power of silence regarding his feelings towards his true love.His allusion to the nightingale correlates perfectly with the paradox of his increasing love for a woman in conveying the sonnet’s overall theme that silence is always preferable to just meaningless words. In the sonnet, Shakespeare uses the allusion of the nightingale to describe his love of a young woman. He states, â€Å"Our love was new†¦/ when I was wont to greet it†¦/ as Philomel in summer’s froth doth sing† (lines 5-7), comparing the sp eaker’s love as his relationship with the woman progresses to that of nightingale’s song.In classical times, the nightingale was widely referred to as Philomel. In Roman and Greek mythology, Philomela was a woman turned into a nightingale by the Gods to save her from the hands of rapist. Because of the violence associated with the myth, the nightingale’s song is often interpreted as a lament, but it is also construed to symbolize beauty and even, such as in the case of this poem, love. In a factual sense, a nightingale is a small bird that frequently sings at night as well as in the day, standing out as one of the only birds that sing after the sun descends.By comparing his love to Philomel after she â€Å"stops her pipe in growth of riper days† (8), he makes his theme of silence clear. Even the most vocal of birds such as the nightingale knows when to stop singing its beautiful song, showing the world how much he truly loves it by offering a moment of pe ace and quiet. This resembles the feelings of the narrator because even though he loves her with all his heart, he does not want to bore her by saying it too often or by making it appear as if his love is not as special as it used to be.In addition, Shakespeare also introduces the poem with the paradox â€Å"My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming;† (1) that connects his allusion to true love. This paradox starts the poem off by explaining how his love for a woman has actually gotten stronger over time although he may not verbalize it as much as he used to. He attempts to explain that even though he keeps it more to himself now, his love for his woman has only increased as time passed. His love resembles the nightingale’s singing in that it is always going to be there even if it is not heard because he does not want to ruin the beauty of it by saying it too much.The initial burst of first love has surpassed the narrator now, leaving him with a genuine love that does not need a constant reminding with words in order to convey the passion in his heart. Although observing a nightingale singing is rare, its music can always be heard. This parallels the speaker’s love in that his woman does not need to constantly be told how much he loves her, but rather she should know it by his eyes and his actions. His silence emphasizes the idea that words are not always necessary to express one’s feelings, and even in some cases it is better to keep quiet.Shakespeare’s allusion to the nightingale and paradox of his growing love work together to convey the universal idea that sometimes a lack of words can have a greater depiction of a person’s inner feelings than the best articulated vocalizations possible. If a man really loves a woman, she should be able to comprehend the intensity of that love not by the things he says, but by the way he acts and how he looks at her. Perhaps all the noise and speaking in the world then i s actually people’s lack of true love for one another, a love that can only be found in knowing and understanding the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pollution and Transport.Docx Uploaded Successfully Essay

Topic essay: types of pollution Industrilization is more and more developing. This accompanied by pollution. The three main types of environmental pollution are land pollution, air pollution, water pollution. The first type of pollution is land pollution. Land pollution is the earrth’s surface and soil, directly or indirectly as a result of human activities. The earth’s natural land is surface by industrial, commercial, domestic and angricultural activities. The second types of pollution is air pollution. Air pollution is pollution of the air which can affect the health, surviral or activities of many organism’s, including humans. Pollution of the air is the accumulation of hazardous substances into the atmosphere that danger human life and other living matter. The final types of pollution is water pollution. Water pollution is the introduction of chemical, biological and physical matter into large bodies of water that degrade the quality of life . that live in it and consumes it. Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired use. In conclusion, environment is very important to our live. Without land, we wouldn’t have the foods to eat. Without air, we couldn’t be able to breathe. Without water, we couldn’t live more than 5 days. Topic essay: The important of transportation Transportation is very important to any nation. All towns produce or need products. Those products must get there somehow. There are three main important of transportation: reduce the physical separation of different countries, one of the importance aids to trade and help people transfer easier. Firstly, transport reduce the physical separation of different countries. nowadays we can travel easier by air plant or the other transport from a country to another country.. Even we can travel to the other planet with transport. We just take about 1, 2 hours or more to transfer from a place to another place instead of 1 day, 1 weeks or more . Secondly, transport is one of the importance aids to trade. All trade of wealth and productive labor involves transportation, whether it is the movement of goods or the movement of people from their homes to their jobs or their  homes to the places where they shop. In other words, the global society would not have comfort and convenience had it not been for advancements in the transportation sector. Trade is essential to economic vitality, and transportation is essential to trade. There would not have been any great infrastructure, industrialisation, or massive production, if transportation was incompetent. Finally, transport help people transfer easier. It’s so easy to move around on transport. Without air plant, train or the other transport, this would so difficult to transfer, travel or trade. In conclusion, Nothing is more important to civilization than transportation and communication. Trade is essential to economic vitality, and transportation is essential to trade.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Does the EU suffer from a democratic deficit Essay

Does the EU suffer from a democratic deficit - Essay Example The ECSC was transformed into European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957 with the signing of Treaty of Rome that created a single market and aimed at removing all barriers to freedom of good, movement and trade. The EEC was hence a unique institution whose sole aim was to reduce barriers, decrease hindrances and increase integration within the member states. The EEC started off as a unique legal and political supranational institution that operates over and above the national governments of member states: it is an over arching government in itself that makes laws, takes decisions and creates circumstances for greater integration. This could not have been achieved with 27 member states without the presence of institutions: the treaty of Paris created four major institutions in 1951: a High Authority, Council of Ministers, European Assembly and a European Court of Justice. The Treaty of Rome 1957 followed this method and added to the list of institution a EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Commission) and renamed it as European Economic Community. However, the EU has gone through massive changes since then as subsequent treaties kept adding to the overall structure of it. The institutions as they stand now are as follows: The European Council, European Parliament, The Commission, European Court of Justice, The Court of Auditors and the Euro pean Central Bank. It is with EU’s structure that democratic deficit has been alleged to have seeped in. The term has been used since many years and according to Milev it has been accorded different meaning in all senses. The real meaning given to this term relates to alleged distance between the European government and the people that are rules: it is alleged that it neither has a proper democratic mandate nor proper democratic legitimacy that gives its actions validity. Initially the term was used to make way for direct elections to the Parliament, later on the debate kept surfacing repeatedly on different issues of constitutional importance, particularly where further integration and greater cooperation was concerned. Evidence is found in literature relating to the referendums, the rejected constitution etc. This democratic deficit has basically been seen because the key decisions that are taken in EU are taken within executive-controlled institution, the European Council and European Commission: there is no parliamentary form decision making with proper legitimacy and accountability. The European Council yields no legislative powers but has immense political powers as it comprises of all heads of the states, the ministers for foreign affairs, the president of the commission and the high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. The council is headed by a President of the Council who is elected through Qualified Majority Voting procedure for a term of two and a half years. Second, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is the legal arm of the EU as it deals with all cases arising from and about EU law. The main function of ECJ has been enshrined in Article 19(1) of the Treaty of European Union (TEU) as to ensure â€Å"

Friday, September 27, 2019

Focus on a review of aphasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Focus on a review of aphasia - Essay Example This paper will focus on a review of aphasia, which can be more explicitly defined as the loss or impairment of the ability to use or comprehend words due to brain damage (Banich, 2004; Carroll, 2004). Some of those who experience aphasia are predominantly affected in the expressive language (what is said) whilst others are predominantly affected in their receptive language (what is understood), other people who experience aphasia have both expressive and receptive language dysfunction. In general, language disability occurs in the form of talking and understanding and also in reading and writing. The extent of the dysfunction and the nature of the problems a person will experience are dependant on numerous psychosocial and environmental factors, as well as the amount and location of damage in the brain. Obviously this presents numerous communication difficulties for those who experience aphasia, and subsequently affects their ability to fully contribute and integrate with the wider community. Firstly, a review of aphasia aetiology will be given. Secondly, the incidence of the language impairment will be presented. Finally, patterns of the deficit will be highlighted, followed by aphasias theoretical significance and prognosis with respect to intervention. Aphasia is a specific language impairment that results from brain damage at the language centers (Brocas or Wernicks areas for example) (Harley, 2001). For most right-handers and about half the population of left-handers, when damage occurs to the left side of the brain aphasia can occur.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gangs and gang behavior - week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Gangs and gang behavior - week 5 - Essay Example disruptive conduct disorders before entry into school system (Kalb &Loeber, 2003) and, according to Loeber and Farrington (2001), these problems develop later during growth. The later theory is backed by Vaughn and colleagues (2009), who argue that children become more exposed to an array of risks during the elementary period and onward and also argue that children get more vulnerable to bad peer influences outdoor. In other cases, some theories do not highlight other potential causes of this problem of gang involvement, for example, Loeber, Farrington and Petechuk (2003) including Tremblay (2003) discover that concentrated disadvantages obstruct socialization of juveniles. Loeber and Farrington (2001) talk about relevant family variables present at the preschool level, low social resources and a number of family hitches inclusive. On another account, Pogarsky, Lizotte and Thornberry (2003) identified broken families, parental delinquency, poor child management, abuse, grave matrimonial conflicts and inexperienced young motherhood. With regards to the above, it is vivid to see that other theories actually forget to put into account other relevant factors. In another analysis, theories contend for example Kroneman, Loeber and Hipwell (2004) who strongly assimilate societal poverty with behavioral problem and specifically girls, Hipwell (2002) as well as Wei (2005) make a conclusion regarding the same theory highlighting girls become the most affected in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Some factors are common across all the four developmental stages as well as the theories, therefore, this means that a single theory can be developed out of all the theories with respect to the developmental stages of a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Macroeconomics in Today's Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Macroeconomics in Today's Society - Essay Example All these stakeholders use macroeconomics in a variety of ways to achieve different and at times conflicting purposes. In general, macroeconomics provides the rationale for a range of questions, and solutions for a number of domestic and global concerns. They include reasons for different levels of income in different countries, causes for the rise and fall in general level of prices at different periods of time in a country, explanation for the expansion and contraction of employment and production in certain period of time than others, justification for consumption and conservation, saving and investment, borrowing and lending decisions, etc (Mankiw 204). In brief, macroeconomics provides the different stake holders with basic economic principles, instruments and various options to deal with specific economic issues. (a) Macroeconomics provides the government in a country with monetary and fiscal policy tools to control and regulate growth in incomes, employment, wages, interest rates, saving, investment, inflation, distribution of resources and produced goods and services, etc. (b) Macroeconomics offers individual firms to use their managerial skills to deal with tax rates, interest rates, etc., to plan their pricing policy, capita... (d) Researchers and academicians make cross country comparisons by utilizing macroeconomic situations in different countries to explain the causes and effects of a specific macroeconomic policy on the economic performance of a country, its welfare implications, and debate about the need for environmentally sound and sustainable development strategies. (e) International organizations utilize the macroeconomic variables of a country to shape a country's structural adjustment programs, and emphasize the need for fiscal prudence and balanced growth. (f) Non-governmental organizations, using the macroeconomic indicators, draw the attention of national governments, international bodies and the society at large towards unequal distribution of scare resources, and advocate the need for establishing a just society. (g) International investors base their investment decisions on the macroeconomic fundamentals of a country. If the macroeconomic fundamentals are strong, in their perceptions, they invest and vice versa. (h) Multilateral credit agencies and financial institutions offer financial assistance to countries depending on the merit of macroeconomic performance of a country. Depending upon the degree of risk involved, they charge a premium on their credit. (i) The opposition political parties in a country pick on the ruling government by using the macroeconomic parameters, in addition to political factors. (j) Non-governmental organizations create public awareness on the macroeconomic situations, and opt for advocacy in trying to establish a new social order, guided by the principles of justice. Macroeconomic policy tools consist of monetary and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Medical Bag Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medical Bag - Assignment Example -Research and compare the cost of medical bags and supplies. Analysis -Invited other nurses for a brainstorming session. -Explained to them the reason we needed a medical bag; previously we used medical bags that were not standardized and thus were not sufficient to provide the medical care needed by the detainees during the flight. -They all agreed and at this point we developed a vision, mission and goals of the project. -During the brainstorming session, we found out some of the problems that were realized with the present medical bags: They were inadequate because they lacked some of the important tools that were necessary to provide patients with the medical care they required. The officers who were appointed to go out with the detainees did not have an idea of what was necessary to carry during the flight. -After the brainstorming sessions, we came up with these important proposals that could serve our need; Needed to identify the right team of nurses for the flights. We identified some of the detainees that are mostly moved and the most frequent emergencies that took place during flights. Develop a medical bag that was well equipped to take care of any emergency that could occur during the flight and that could carry all the materials that were required. They determined the effectiveness of the mission statements and the policies they had to work towards achieving, within the time limit given. -Reported on the feasibility study I had done previously to find out which was the most suitable medical bag. -The team identified areas of further study about the medical bags and each one was supposed to study on their own and report their findings during the following meeting. Action plan -Choose the type of bag that was most... -The objective of the project will be to develop a medical emergency bag that is equipped to safely handle the most common potential acute situations that may arise during a flight. The main goal is to develop a standardized safe and cost effective medical bag that can be utilized during a flight to provide medical care to federal detainees. -Explained to them the reason we needed a medical bag; previously we used medical bags that were not standardized and thus were not sufficient to provide the medical care needed by the detainees during the flight. United Nations press release 2007, 29 October: Special rapporteur on torture concludes visit to Srilanka, retrieved on 4th November 2009 from .

Monday, September 23, 2019

Market Research Report on printing industry Essay

Market Research Report on printing industry - Essay Example Print is used in business to create logo and advertisements to stand out in the market place. Companies often prefer their stationeries, be it business letters, pamphlets or catalogues to be customized and according to their requirements. This strategy of brand building is applied by all the companies. This is where the print industry enters the world of business related print products. In general market where print products are sold as leisure products, print industry has a strong hold. Products like Cards, customized stationeries, and craft products have given print industry a very distinct market to focus on. The print industry is also accredited for the production of lot of educational material. The print industry market is divided basically into three distinct market segments – Corporate sector, Gifts and Entertainment sector and educational sector. The print industry has witnessed gradual and steady growth, the demand for print products have increased considerably in the market. A lot of speculation had surrounded the print industry during the electronic media revolution. ... Identification of a Small and Medium Sized Enterprise The European market alone has 132,000 functioning business houses involved in printing industry. This comprises of 85% of SMEs. These SMEs have less than twenty employees each yet they are able to rake 105 billion EUR as annual turnover. The global printing market is dominated by the European printing companies. Most of the printing companies depending on their size are involved in export. Globally the printing market is very much static and not very dynamic in its growth. Most of these companies operating in printing industry are Small and Medium enterprises run by Entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs have creative bent and open a medium size businesses. However they do lack the expertise in operating the business aspect of the industry. Most of these companies have issues like resource sharing, creative differences and networking as major barriers towards growth. The SMEs also have to face fierce competition from players who are b etter established and are conglomerate in their operations. Finance becomes a huge criterion for these SMEs as expanding in new market especially in other countries requires a substantial capital. Internet and electronic media although has not been able to completely take over the print sector but does have some influence on the print industry. Thus, economy of scale and the fad of new media have made an impact on the growth of SMEs in print industry (Batgraphs, 2011, p.6) One of the most important aspects for the small and medium enterprises in the printing industry is the incorporation of recent technology in their operations. The introduction of advanced and improved tools in the area of printing has been very rapid.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Kite Runner and its theme on Psychological Healing and Redemption Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner and its theme on Psychological Healing and Redemption Essay Introduction It has been much known to many that wars and social differences among people in a certain society bring so many problems to many people in the world. Certainly, one may agree that because of the undoubted situation of the people who are directly affected by wars, there come to be several psychological issues that must be dealt with by people as individuals. Regarding wars, an article entitled â€Å"Why is there war?† comments this way: â€Å"Nationalism, prejudices, injustices and communication difficulties have been at the root of other conflicts. In all too many cases, armies have carried out the orders of leaders, such as Hitler, Napoleon and Alexander the Great, who have shown an excessive desire for personal glory and honor.† (Awake! 2000, 32) These comments notably support the idea that man, in many ways are the very elements that contribute to the worsening situation of the society regarding social inequality resulting to conflicts and worse, wars. In reaction to these social problems of inequality and conflicts, author Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan American novelist has come up with a fictionary story that shows the elemental sources as well as effects of social inequalities to people as individuals. The plot of the story was based upon two friends in Afghanistan who were merely separated by the social-class that they both belong to. One being the slave and one being the master, these two friends who turn out to be brothers as the story progresses, depict the differences of the people living in the society today. What are the themes that the story portrays and how do these themes reflect the ability and the ways by which an individual tries to regain himself from an emotional and psychological downfall? These and many more shall be discussed in the paragraphs that follow. An Overview of the Story The whole theme of the story of â€Å"The Kite Runner† revolved around the lives of two young children who were from different classes of the society. Social prejudice of the economic status of people has been the main reason why the problem of diversity in Afghanistan has risen as portrayed in the story. This factor indeed contributed so much to the story’s complication, which resulted to the guilt driven emotions of the main character Amir, when he was not able to come to the rescue of his friend Hassan. In this story, a clear display of the society’s major problem on prejudice and equality has been shown. Concentrating on the more personally based assessment of the situation as portrayed by Amir, the social problems depicted in the story makes it easier to understand why people take lesser courage in making a change in the present social situation, be guilty later on and then set goals in making a change in a less complex and fearful way. Yes, in a concise display of events, the author tried to help the reader’s picture out the most important events of the situation that would likely connect the story with the intense effect of social diversity to individuals in the society. The consequences are shown to be much dreadful enough to keep a person from moving on with his own life, because of the fact that the lack of courage that drives a person to ignore the things that are supposed to be done by him in the first place. Certainly, an inner healing is necessary for certain situations such as this. It is normal for a person to feel down from not being able to complete or live up to a certain self-expectation. However, inner healing is not that easy to find. As for the main character of the story, it could be noted that the healing of his conscience mainly came form the fact that he had to come back to Afghanistan to find his find with a plan of making it up to him in any way he could. Although he was not able to do the said task as he has expected things to come along, he was still able to help himself regain his clear conscience through helping the son of his friend Hassan to have a change of life under his care. An Analysis of the Story As it could be noted, the story was plotted to show the deeper individual effects of the social differences among men as well as the effects of war on relationships between people. The existence of such issues has made the characters reflect the actual situation of individuals in the society especially focusing on the Afghanistan society. (Howard, 2003, Internet) One more them of the story, which should be given attention, is the picture of reality portrayed by Amir. His lack of courage in doing things that they know should be done is a problem by many people today. Although they know that something within their power could change several situations in the society, their fear of several elements in the society keeps them from doing any courageous change. This was shown when Amir failed to save his friend Hassan from the hands of the bully, Assef. As a result, his conscience has not made him completely relieved from moving away from Afghanistan ever since. Instead, he was continuously haunted by the past and the things that he was supposed to do for his friend (Kirszner, 2001, 90). At the same picture, several people today find it difficult to forget the past especially the situations that involves them with the things that they were supposed to do and yet they did not have much of the courage that it takes for them to do it. As a way of relieving the pain brought about by the past, people tend to find ways in which they could still change what happened. As for the situation of Amir, he tried to return to Afghanistan to supposedly make it up with Hassan. As it could be noted from the overview of the story, although Amir was not able to make it up to his half brother Hassan, he was able to clear his conscience by taking care of the son of Hassan instead. In the same way, people today find a way to heal their aching hearts through returning back to what has happened in the past and later on try to change things for the people that they were supposed o help before. This way, their conscience is then cleared off from the shortcomings that they incurred against others before. From Getting Hurt to Getting Healed and Redeemed As mentioned earlier, people tend to get hurt from many things. Usually, their experiences of several different situations they have been involved with, brings them the discouragement that they ought to feel after not being able to do what they were supposed to. This then brings them several psychological disturbances that keep them from moving on freely with their lives. The fear of doing what they should have done before might have been governed by several factors in the society that kept them from being able to complete their supposed tasks before (Hill, 2000, Internet). Certainly, because of the said elements, doing what is right might not have been that easy. Aside from this, it is quite easier to understand that the situation is harder to deal with when it is happening at the actual time. The lack of time to think things over makes it harder for a person to realize what should be immediately done to solve some things (Coon, 2001, 54,55). This is naturally what happened to Amir upon seeing the bully beat his friend. Along with fear and panic, he was not able to come up with the possible solution that he was supposed to apply during the said situation. People tend to lack courage when they are faced with the actual crisis. However, after some time of thinking things over, they begin to realize that there could have been better results if they did have the courage to do their ethical responsibilities regarding the situation. What is meant by redemption and healing? Naturally, this means recovery from any possible scourge that has been experienced by one in the past. Being healed, means being able to cure what has been causing one the pain that is felt in an emotional state as for this matter (Coon, 20001, 56). Hence, healing does not only involve mere mind works. It has to involve actions that would help the individual free himself from the guilt that he is feeling from within his conscience. Basing from how the main character tried to resolve his personal issues regarding his past shortcomings against his friend, coming back to the origin of his guilt feelings has helped him realize the possibility for him to clear his conscience from the guilt that has mainly plagued his thoughts for a long time. As for the present situation of the society, to redeem themselves from the psychological and emotional disturbances brought about by the past, people opt to find ways by which they can still change things even though the change may not be done directly to the people they have once failed to help (Coon, 2001, 58). The changes that this certain courageous act by an individual that naturally results to betterment of many or even of a few would then help that individual to regain his clean conscience thus clearing him from all the guilt that has been keeping him from moving on with his life before. A Social Connection of the Story Several issues that divide it to several classes govern the society today. Aside from the race, economic status makes it harder for an individual to deal with the society in a fair way. Yes, today, the main reason why people tend to separate themselves from others is the existence of social prejudice. What is prejudice? According to the article entitled, â€Å"They found the solution to the problem of race†: â€Å"Education is the key to ending present condition of prejudice. When this key is missing, prejudice often results. Prejudice is a prejudgment, a judgment arrived at before persons have really examined the evidence regarding the matter involved. Then, because of their prejudice, they are inclined to discriminate against others. (Awake! 1999, 14) Certainly, the social division makes it harder for people to deal with each other in a fair way. In the same way, the governments and the non-government organizations, which are supposed to give answers to the said social issues, have a hard time finding ways by which they would be able solve the disturbances. As a result, they have to deal with the guilt that they gain from not being able to give answers to the most important issues in the human society. To be able to clear their guilt, they tend to solve the issues after several years when the pressure on the issue is already lessened and the attention of the society towards the issue has already been shifted to other problems (Coon, 2001, 60). Prejudice however remains to be the main reason why people are having a hard time dealing with a divided society. Facing the Roots of the Problem Basing from actual accounts in the society, prejudice is a major problem that makes it harder for people to find peace and security in their own communities. As it has been portrayed in the story of the â€Å"Kite Runner†, the divisive culture of people cannot be easily dealt with. As a result, more roots of social issues arise from the very said social illness.   It is a responsibility of everyone else in the society to face the challenge of acting against the effects of prejudice. By being completely free from the thoughts of being superior from others should help everyone realize that they have to stand for their fellowmen when they are faced with the oppression of prejudice like that of the situation between Hassan and Amir in the story. For this reason, it would be more possible for people to avoid the guilt of not being able to complete their responsibilities to their fellowmen. Conclusion The creation of the authored story of â€Å"The Kite Runner† gives a clear vision of the actual social situation of the people at present. The division that exists in the society makes it harder for the authorities to do what is supposed to be taken as an action to address the social injustices. As a result, guilt has to be dealt with by the authorities who are supposed to face the challenge. Rather than finding ways to heal one’s conscience from not being able to commit to the challenges of the society, one might as well find ways to face the issues even before they happen, in result, this process of facing the social issues would be easier to manage than to actually find ways to clear one’s conscience from being guilty. Healing and redemption is an essential part of the society’s recovery from the effects of social prejudice. Individuals who have been naturally involved in the deeper effects of the said social issues are the ones who are supposed to find ways by which they could be able to handle their inner distress brought about by social inequalities. Changing how the world views not everyone with differences in an unequal manner may be that easy to deal with, but a single person’s courage of taking the lead to make a change on how people deal with prejudice is a great step towards a fairer society that does not divide society based on several classes of differences. Work Cited Magazines and Journals Why is there war. (2000). Awake! Brooklyn New York. They found the solution to the problem of race. (1999). Awake! Brooklyn New York. Internet Sources: Hill, Amelia. The Observer. (Sunday September 7, 2003). An Afghan hounded by his past.,6121,1036891,00.html. (March 13, 2007). Howard, Edward. The Servant. (August 3, 2003). The New York Times. (March 13, 2007). Books: Coon, Dennis. (2001).Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior. Thompson Learning Incorporated. Kirszner, Laurie G. (2001) Litterature: reading, reacting and writing. Harcourt College Publishers.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The film versions Essay Example for Free

The film versions Essay The setting in this version is very ominous. It begins with a boy, Pip walking along a road past the gallows, which gives the audiences the feeling that danger is about because gallows were we criminals were murdered so it hints that a criminal is about. The sky is gloomy and looks like it is going to rain. You can tell this even though it is not it colour. As Pip goes into the graveyard, you can see the empty moors in the background. The graveyard looks intimidating because of the gravestones that look like people so it seems like someone is watching Pip, this makes the audiences feel like someone is watching them too. As there is no one about, it makes it more frightening because there is no one to see what happens or anyone to look after Pip. This is exaggerated because there are no people around so it makes it daunting. All together the setting is a place that most people wouldnt go to unless there was a good reason or if they did go in they wouldnt go in alone. This makes the audiences fell nervous and part of the action. There is a lot of sound in the 1946 version, the wind is howling and you can hear the trees creaking, because of new technologies and special effects some people might say the it sounds fake but it would have sounded very atmospheric at the time it was made. The sounds make the audiences feel like they are in the situations where the wind is howling and the tress are creaking. When Pip speaks his voice sounds very innocent and childish which makes the audiences think he is more venerable, Magwitch voices is dark, menacing and forceful which would send a chill down the audiences spin. The differences in the voices and the atmospheric sounds build up the tensions in the first scene. Pip is dressed in poor-looking clothes but he still looks like he is well cared for because he is wearing warm clothes, we already know from the sounds that it was cold, the wind in the trees. Magwitch is wearing rags and looks poor and scruffy. We know that he is a criminal because of the shackles around his feet. Portraying them like this tells the audiences straight away who the people are so it doesnt need to be explained. The lighting is used to great effect and helps create the atmosphere which colour does now. Although there is not any colour they are still ably to show some things though light. You can tell if it is light black and white or dark black and white. The most effective part is when Magwitch has Pip on the gravestone, when you see the both together it looks like Pip is in the light and Magwitch is in the dark, this is trying to express that Pip is nice and innocent and Magwitch is the malevolence person, this is done by making the light and setting brighter behind Pip than it is behind Magwitchs this makes the audiences think Pip is nice and Magwitch isnt all though they my not notice it. Nonetheless the light helps you to feel what the setting is like for, example the dark sky suggests it gloomy, if you didnt use lighting it would make it harder to tell. Being in black and white some people say it looks boring but I think it creates a misty atmosphere that adds to build the tension. The camera changes between the two characters Pip and Magwitch and doesnt show them both together to start with, this is done quickly when each one is talking, doing these speeds up the pace of the first scene. It only showed part of their face to start with not all of it. Its also effective when Magwitch looks down at his feet, which shows us the shackles, this is done because it make the audience feel like they know what he is thinking. Having the camera change between the two doesnt give the audiences time to take in the face until it show them together, this makes the audiences eager to see what he looks like.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Death Penalty Argumentative Essay

Death Penalty Argumentative Essay The death penalty is the ultimate punishment. There is no harsher punishment than death itself. Currently fifty-eight nations practice the death penalty. Our nation, the United States of America, is one of the fifty-eight nations that practice the death penalty. Currently the United States will only use the death penalty, if one commits first-degree murder. Individuals that believe in the death penalty believe that capital punishment will deter murderers. In this paper, I will be arguing that the death penalty does not deter criminals and that the United States should outlaw the practice. Before I make my argument, I would like to provide some background information regarding the death penalty to the readers. The idea of capital punishment was brought over from Britain, when the founding fathers declared independence. Our ancestors loved the idea of the death penalty, since it was a common part of life. Europeans gave the death penalty for various crimes. The first recorded execution in America occurred in Jamestown, 1608. A man named George Kendall was executed for treason. In the earlier colonial days, laws regarding capital punishment varied area to area. During the nineteen century, the death penalty changed dramatically. Around this time the death penalty started to lose popularity. States no longer committed public executions. All executions were done in private. Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt this trend. Eventually some states abolished the death penalty all together. In current times, fourteen out of fifty states no longer carry out the death penalty. These states are Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhone Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. In addition, a series of cases regarding the death penalty went to the Supreme Court. Many tried to argue that the death penalty violated the eighth amendments and that capital punishment is cruel and unusual. In 1972, Furman v. Georgia successfully brought an temporary end to the death penalty for ten years. Eventually the death penalty was reinstated with the execution of Gary Gillmore on January 17, 1977. As of today, the United States still practices capital punishment. However there are limitations. For example, the government cannot execute the mentally handicap and is not supposed to execute juveniles. The United States currently has six ways to execute, lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, a firing squad and hanging. Methods will vary state by state. Although the United States still practices the death penalty, executions are declining, compare to the past, according to statistics. Those that are for the death penalty claims that the death penalty will serve as a deterrence and is the only way for retribution against murderers. Both issues are highly debatable and have been a subject of criticism. Punishment as a deterrence has been a goal for ages. This concept does work, but it should not be applied to all criminals, in my opinion. Pro capital punishment individuals claims that it is an efficient deterrence against criminals. In the article Death penalty is a deterrence, the authors claims that by practicing the death penalty, violent crimes will decrease. violent crime has declined 11 percent, with murder showing the largest decline at even more than 22 percent. We believe that this has occurred in part because of the strong signal that the death penalty sent to violent criminals and murderer.  [1]  These statistics taken from this article may be inaccurate and should be closely examined. There is a huge amount of conflicting evidence from similar studies done currently and in the past. Retribution has also been a goal for punishment. Logically if a killer is put to death then there would be no more killings. American society seems to favor retribution. An eye for an eye has been a law for ages. In a pro death penalty article, the author believes that, When someone takes a life, the balance of justice is disturbed. Unless that balance is restored, society succumbs to a rule of violence. Only the taking of the murderers life restores the balance and allows society to show convincingly that murder is an intolerable crime which will be punished in kind.  [2]  This ideology has many flaws, mainly with morality issues. For example, if the country is punishing one for killing, what gives the country the right to kill? Both articles fail to present any solid evidence that supports their thesis. Death penalty is a deterrence had statistical information, but fail to present how the information was obtained. Depending on the researchers information gathering methods, the statistical information could have been different. For example In an article in the Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Dr. Jeffrey Fagan of Columbia University describes numerous serious errors in recent deterrence studies, including improper statistical analyses and missing data and variables that are necessary to give a full picture of the criminal justice system. Fagan writes, There is no reliable, scientifically sound evidence that [shows that executions] can exert a deterrent effectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. These flaws and omissions in a body of scientific evidence render it unreliable as a basis for law or policy that generate life-and-death decisions.  [3]  There needs to be solid evidence in order to prove a theory. Those who clai m that the death penalty is an efficient deterrence fail to submit conclusive evidence, therefore as a critic, we should dismiss the claim that the death penalty works as deterrence. In addition, many studies seem to disprove the theory that the death penalty is a good deterrence against violent crimes and murders. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, states without the death penalty have had lower murder rates. In their seventeen-year old study, states without the death penalty showed a 40% decrease in murder rates. In regards to the article Death penalty is a deterrence, New York has now abolished the death penalty and their murder rate has gone down significantly compared to when the state was still practicing capital punishment. In fact, in the first year that New York abolished the death penalty they saw a four percent decrease in their murder rates. The reason why the death penalty does not serve as deterrence is that offenders do not believe they will be caught. Logically, no one would commit a murder, if one knew he/she was to be executed. Deterrence is a psychological process. Therefore, if an offender does not believe that a real risk is present, there will be no deterrence. The death penalty as retribution no longer makes sense in our current society. By executing an offender, our government, is sending subliminal messages regarding murder. The point of capital punishment is because the United States government wants to express that killing is an intolerable crime. By killing, an offender the government is contradicting itself. In addition, the death penalty can be seen as revenge. We are simply taking an eye for an eye. Two wrongs will not make a right. Killing a murderer will not bring back the murdered. In the 21th century our criminals laws should now reflect a higher standard that an eye for an eye. In current times, the death penalty can no longer be claimed as an efficient form of retribution. There are huge delays in carrying out the executions of an inmate. Statistics show that there is over an eight-year wait before an execution can take place. In fact, most death row inmates die of old age, before their execution sentence. Californias death row is a great example. Since 1976, only thirteen inmates have been executed. Currently there are around seven hundred inmates in Californias death row. If the trend continues, that would mean most of the inmates would die of natural causes before their execution sentence can be carried out. Those that claim the death penalty as retribution fail to take notice of the execution process in our criminal justice system. Legally an inmate is allowed to appeal his/her case. Appealing is needed in the American criminal justice system because the process is designed to protect against human errors. An average appeal can take over ten years. There are simply not enough judges to response to all case reviews. For example, the United States Supreme court receives thousands of case reviews annually, but because there are only nine judges in the Supreme Court, only a handful of cases are reviewed. For these reasons, the death penalty cannot be claim as an efficient form of retribution. Since the death penalty is no longer an affected punishment, I purposed that we abolish the practice in the United States. Throughout Americas history, many have tried to abolish the death penalty. Many were successful in temporary abolishing the death penalty, but most states reinstated the death penalty after judicial review. The most current issue regarding the abolishment of the death penalty was Baze v. Rees. Baze V. Rees, was an attack on the process of execution, specifically lethal injections. Baze argues that lethal injections is a form of cruel and unusual punishment and went against the constitution. That debate ultimately failed, since the judges ruled in favor of the death penalty. The trial court held extensive hearings and entered detailed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. It recognized that [t]here are no methods of legal execution that are satisfactory to those who oppose the death penalty on moral, religious, or societal grounds, but concluded that the proced ure complies with the constitutional requirements against cruel and unusual punishment.  [4]  Baze V. Rees was a good attempt in trying to abolish the death penalty, but ultimately was unsuccessful because they were attacking the process not the problem. In addition, Baze fail to show any solid evidence that lethal injections may cause pain. In order to abolish the death penalty in the United States successfully, one would need to make a case to the United States Supreme Court. One would need to submit a writ of either certiorari, mandamus, or prohibition. In addition, one can appeal against the death penalty. If the case were selected, then one would need to argue that the death penalty is no longer a form of justice. The key to winning this case, in my opinion, is to present solid and conclusive evidence. Show the nine justices, that the death penalty is a waste of resources and unconstitutional. Some may criticize that by abolishing the death penalty, crime rates will increase. Studies have already shown that the death penalty will not deter criminals. Currently there is no solid evidence that proves that the death penalty will deter criminals; however, there is evidence showing that states with no death penalty has a lower murder rate than states with the death penalty. In a recent examination, researchers concluded that the estimates claiming that the death penalty saves numerous lives are simply not credible. In fact, researchers stated that using the same data and proper methodology could lead to the exact opposite conclusion: that is, that the death penalty actually increases the number of murders  [5]  . Conclusive evidence such as the fact should dispel any criticism regarding the death penalty and murder rates. The death penalty should be abolish. Those that believe in the death penalty, failed to make their case. There is no conclusive evidence that supports their claims. There is evidence however that the death penalty is failing. Executing a death row inmate is no longer an easy task. There can be long delays in the execution process. Inmates are dying before their execution sentence can be carried out. For all the reasons stated above, the United States of America should abolish the death penalty. Work Cited Death Penalty Curriculum A just society requires the death penalty for the taking of a life: Agree, Michigan State University Death Penalty Information Center, Discussion of Recent Deterrence Studies, Berkeley Electronic Press Death Penalty Information Center, Discussion of Recent Deterrence Studies, Ohio State Journal George E. Pataki, Death penalty is a deterrent, USA Today Unknown Author, RALPH BAZE AND THOMAS C. BOWLING, Petitionersv.JOHN D. REES, COMMISSIONER, KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, ET AL. United States Supreme Court. 2008, 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Sublime Savage: Caliban on Setebos Essay -- Caliban on Setebos Ess

The Sublime Savage: Caliban on Setebos "Caliban my slave, who never / Yields us kind answer." (The Tempest, I.ii.310-1) "Caliban on Setebos" was one of Robert Browning's more popular poems among the Victorians, for its presumed satire of orthodox Calvinism, Puritanism, and similarly grim Christian sects. And Browning as Shakespeare's savage does indeed seem to hurl a few barbs in that direction, but the poet's exercise seems to be as much one in alternative theology. Caliban's bog-bound conjectures, in their significant departures from standard religious doctrine, serve as both an interesting repudiation of Archdeacon Paley's attempts to rationalize God, and as an entertaining 'science-fiction' tale, if you will, of religious thought under alternate circumstances. Caliban is, of course, the "salvage and deformed slave" of Shakespeare's dramatis personae in The Tempest, son of the deceased witch Sycorax, servant of the mage Prospero, consort of and bootlicker for Stephano and Trinculo, failed plotters and drunken buffoons. "As disproportion'd in his manners / As in his shape" (V.i.290-1), he has tried to ravish Prospero's daughter Miranda before being exiled to his cave, and in the course of the play attempts to overthrow Prospero himself and install Stephano on the throne of the island. At last, though, Duke Prospero comes to pardon even Caliban -- "This thing of darkness I / acknowledge mine" (V.i.275-6), and his drudge promises to "be wise hereafter, / and seek for grace" (V.i.294-5) or favor with his master. Browning certainly did his research in crafting the poem: near the end of the work, Caliban cowers under Setebos' "raven that has told... ... in a way, / Taketh his mirth with make-believes" (ll. 168-9). Caliban's easy acceptance of a capricious, often cruel deity, and his willingness to abase himself in penance for irrational divine anger, serves as a satiric reproof to both Paley and the Calvinists, and eloquent support for Browning's more palatable God of love. Shakespeare's Prospero claims that, without his help and education, Caliban "didst not, savage, / Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like / A thing most brutish" (I.ii.357-9). Some of Browning's detractors considered "Caliban on Setebos" still to be brutish, for its harsh language and unpleasant philosophy. Yet the poem is successful in its aim: it is an effective purgative to complacent religious theory, and an entertaining glimpse into a putative religion based on quite different tenets from Victorian Christianity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Everyday Use and The Gilded Six-Bits

Appearance versus Reality in Alice Walker's and Zora Neale Hurston's Everyday Use and The Gilded Six-Bits  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In "The Gilded Six-Bits" it appears that Otis D. Slemmons, the towns newest arrival, is rich, but by closer inspection by Joe Banks and Missie May, is found to be poor.   In "Everyday Use," Maggie doesn't appear to be smart enough to honor and appreciate her heritage, but she and not Dee/Wangero is really preserving the family traditions as well as heritage.   Both "The Gilded Six-Bits" by Zora Neale Hurston and "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker have the theme of appearance and reality.    Hurston and Walker use the theme of appearance versus reality to convey the message that things aren't always as simple as the outward appearances suggest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme of appearance and reality is seen in "The Gilded Six-Bits" upon our first meeting Joe Banks and Missie May.   Even out first glimpse into their lives, we don't know they are married. It seems they are only dating.   Lillie P. Howard, author of the book Zora Neale Hurston, states, "The Gilded Six-Bits is the story of a beautiful marriage beset by difficulties, of trials and successes, of appearances and reality" (151). Joe admired Slemmons.   He says, "Yeah, he's up to date.   He got de finest clothes Ah ever seen on a colored man's back" (2089). Joe also admired Slemmons coins "He's got a five-dollar gold piece for a stick pin and he got a ten-dollar gold piece on his watch chain and his mouf is jes' crammed full of gold teethes.   Sho wisht it wuz mine" (2089-90). Slemmons gave the impression to Joe and the rest of the town that he had lots of money and expensive jewelry. Joe wants the possessions that Slemmons has, and Mis sie wants him to have them too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  ... ...ity, v. XXI, no. 3, Summer, 1985.   Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler, v. 5.   Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 1990.   Baym, Nina, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature.   Shorter fifth edition.  New York: Norton, 1999.   Hurston, Zora Neale.   "The Gilded Six-Bits" Baym 2087-2095.   Walker, Alice.   "Everyday Use" Baym 2522-2528.   Bone, Robert.   "Three Versions of Pastoral" in his Down House: Origins of the Afro-American Short Story, Columbia University Press, 1988.   Short Story Criticism. Fowler, Carolyn. "Solid at the Core," in Freedom Ways, v 14, no. 1, first quarter, 1974.  Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler, v. 5.   Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 1990.    Howard, Lillie P.   Zora Neale Hurston.   New York: Twayne Publishers, 1980.    Winchell, Donna Haisty.   Alice Walker.   New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992.    Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Everyday Use and The Gilded Six-Bits Appearance versus Reality in Alice Walker's and Zora Neale Hurston's Everyday Use and The Gilded Six-Bits  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In "The Gilded Six-Bits" it appears that Otis D. Slemmons, the towns newest arrival, is rich, but by closer inspection by Joe Banks and Missie May, is found to be poor.   In "Everyday Use," Maggie doesn't appear to be smart enough to honor and appreciate her heritage, but she and not Dee/Wangero is really preserving the family traditions as well as heritage.   Both "The Gilded Six-Bits" by Zora Neale Hurston and "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker have the theme of appearance and reality.    Hurston and Walker use the theme of appearance versus reality to convey the message that things aren't always as simple as the outward appearances suggest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme of appearance and reality is seen in "The Gilded Six-Bits" upon our first meeting Joe Banks and Missie May.   Even out first glimpse into their lives, we don't know they are married. It seems they are only dating.   Lillie P. Howard, author of the book Zora Neale Hurston, states, "The Gilded Six-Bits is the story of a beautiful marriage beset by difficulties, of trials and successes, of appearances and reality" (151). Joe admired Slemmons.   He says, "Yeah, he's up to date.   He got de finest clothes Ah ever seen on a colored man's back" (2089). Joe also admired Slemmons coins "He's got a five-dollar gold piece for a stick pin and he got a ten-dollar gold piece on his watch chain and his mouf is jes' crammed full of gold teethes.   Sho wisht it wuz mine" (2089-90). Slemmons gave the impression to Joe and the rest of the town that he had lots of money and expensive jewelry. Joe wants the possessions that Slemmons has, and Mis sie wants him to have them too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  ... ...ity, v. XXI, no. 3, Summer, 1985.   Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler, v. 5.   Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 1990.   Baym, Nina, ed. The Norton Anthology of American Literature.   Shorter fifth edition.  New York: Norton, 1999.   Hurston, Zora Neale.   "The Gilded Six-Bits" Baym 2087-2095.   Walker, Alice.   "Everyday Use" Baym 2522-2528.   Bone, Robert.   "Three Versions of Pastoral" in his Down House: Origins of the Afro-American Short Story, Columbia University Press, 1988.   Short Story Criticism. Fowler, Carolyn. "Solid at the Core," in Freedom Ways, v 14, no. 1, first quarter, 1974.  Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler, v. 5.   Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 1990.    Howard, Lillie P.   Zora Neale Hurston.   New York: Twayne Publishers, 1980.    Winchell, Donna Haisty.   Alice Walker.   New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Overcoming: Human and Fate Essay

As human beings, we are made imperfect, and do not have total control over events that affect our lives, thoughts and emotions. We may be implied to feel anger and do things we never thought we were capable of. We may enter into sadness, and experience a kind of sadness that couldn’t be cured. The beauty of life is learning how to overcome these emotions, these thoughts, and emotions. To be able to pull through from the worst times is the most rewarding experience of life. Every day, we as human beings experience how life can easily be influenced by changes that cannot be controlled. The Assault and Paradise of the Blind are novels in which these changes or events can unleash the worst characteristics of people, and a battle for control ensues, between the mind and the forces of nature. Ultimately, all the realities of misfortune and tragedy combine with the emotions of inner will power to overcome everything and move on to the future and forget the past. In The Assault, Anton Steenwijk selfishly believes that it he can change what Fate has regrettably bestowed upon him. However, no matter how much he tries to forget the events of his past and move on fate will not allow it. He does not realize that the only way to ever rid himself of the past is to accept it what has happened. Try he does, but one thing fate does not allow is the truth. Not until Anton has lived a whole life does he ever really find the truth of how his whole family was mercilessly slaughtered. Fate is what the world has planned for you, fate is everything you can’t change, the actions of people around you, and the events that affect everything around you. For Anton fate was just an element of the past, to him nothing but Anton himself could affect the events of his future. The battle between Anton and the past, was eventually won by Anton as he stands in the crowd realizing, â€Å"Everything is forgotten in the end. (185)† Yet, the battle was lost easily. Fate never allows Anton to forget, when he runs into Fake Jr, unexpectedly meets Takes, and lastly bumps into Karin Korteweg. Fate will always come with unexpected events, â€Å"It’s no coincidence†¦ (89),† its fate. In the end Anton proves to be the larger power, with the help of the realization of the past and the ability to accept everything as it is Anton moves on from the fate of the past, Anton lives his own life. Paradise of the Blind is a tale about a young woman overwhelmed by her misfortune. The novel tells a story of Hang, who from the very beginning in plagued with bad luck, when she first receives news of her ill uncle. Hang’s fate was not written by herself, but by the hand of her parents, who first encountered the area of misfortune. Fate chose the ____ family to bestow so much misfortune upon. With the reoccurrence of parental losses, sickness and poverty, fate does its best to set up a eventual fail for Hang’s life. Throughout the novel Aunt Tam also is a target of fates’ misfortune, but she is also the only example for Hang of overcoming such bad luck. Aunt Tam has such natural will power; she is such a hard worker that luck no longer becomes an issue. Aunt Tam learns to make her own luck, she fights the hard times, and wrestles with failure to become a wealthy renowned woman of her village. In going against the status quo she becomes an example to Hang, an example of overcoming the bad, to take matters into your own hands when everything is lost. Hang’s last bit of misfortune occurs as Aunt Tam passes away. With the realization that Aunt Tam built a life up from the ground with nothing and from where she was to how she died, Hang realizes that she also has those same characteristics. The novel does not go into detail on how she reached her potential, but the reader is led to believe she overcame the bad to finally reach a life led by her own self, opposed to all of fates’ misfortune. In both novels the characters attempt to combat fate, emotions and destiny; ultimately overcoming them all too become someone far better than they thought they could be. Hang and Anton can very easily be compared, as both relive their past and do their best to change or forget it. Hang similarly to Anton loses her father, and this impacts her life almost as much as Anton’s life was affected by the loss of both his parents. An influential character takes the place of the lost parental, Anton his Uncle and Aunt, Hang her Aunt Tam. The fight for the win over destiny ensues throughout the novel and as both Hang and Anton fight to rid their past they find out more about themselves than they ever knew possible. The battle of emotions is finally won by the two unfortunate souls, and the journey to the finish proves to pay off. Anton gets to live free from the wonders of his past, and Hang begins her life as herself not being held back by anything or anyone. Mankind has tried to conquer its hidden demons because it is afraid of them. But despite all of the technological advances that have been made, they are still being undermined by fates emotions like jealousy, hatred, and arrogance. The human race fears fate for it unleashes the worst qualities in people, and can not be conquered by the machines that are revered so much. It is naà ¯ve of humans to believe that they can ever vanquish the bad events of time, but they are intent on driving out any memories of times of imperfect. Yet they do not realize that imperfection is humanity’s greatest trait and weakness at the same time, and that these fate exist to make this fact obvious to all.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Amenhotep iv & Egyptian

Amenhotep IV is an Egyptian king who is famous for introducing monotheistic religion in Egypt. Before his reign, Egyptian people worship many gods and the role of priest in their polytheistic religion. For a short period of time, he initiated a major religious revolution that affected the entire kingdom. In the early period of his reign, he changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaton. He changed his name after moving his capital to the newly designed city of Akhet-Aten. (euler. slu. edu) It depicts a major change in their religious belief.Akhenaton means â€Å"the servant of Aten†. â€Å"In the process of this religious revolution, Akhenaton placed him self as the intermediary between Aten and the people. This helped eliminate the need for the priesthood. As the only one with access to the god, Akhenaten established himself as a god-king and became the first king to be called Pharoah. † (Chesser, ehistory) The removal of â€Å"Amum† in his name is an indicati on that he is rejecting their old religion. Amum is one of their old god who is also known as god of secrets.â€Å"To have effectively removed Amun from his name seems like an all-but-open declaration of warfare against the dominant religious authority in the day, the Amun priesthood based in Thebes† (usu. edu) Akhenaten was the son of Nebmaatre Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye. He was not the oldest royal son or the heir of the throne. His older brother Prince Tuthmosis was originally the heir of the throne but he died during the reign of Amenhotep III. (euler. slu. edu) Meanwhile, his wife is the famous Nefertiti which some scholars believed as Akhenaten himself or her mother.â€Å"Evidence suggests she was wed to Akhenaten as the daughter of a high official during Amenhotep III’s reign, or of Amenhotep himself. Similarly, debate still remains as to whether or not Nefertiti was in fact the actual mother of Akhenaten, and his wife at the same time. The mysteries of Nefer titi’s origins remain a large topic of debate. † (mnsu. edu) On the other hand, it was believed that it was Nefertiti who urged Akhenaten towards religious reformation. (mnsu. edu) Religious Reformation His first step of religious reformation is moving his capital from Thebes to Akhenaten.He imposed a monotheistic religion by placing Aten as the only subject of worship. â€Å"Later, he went so far as to order the word â€Å"gods† removed and changed to â€Å"god,† wherever it occurred on public inscriptions. † (usu. edu) I was believed that the monotheistic belief of Akhenaten was inspired by Judaism through Moses or Joseph. But according to some scholars, Akhenaten belief is not purely monotheistic for the Apis cult maintained other gods. Because Akhenaten’s religious reformation was not really monotheistic, we can’t conclude that it was influenced by Judaism.(ancientegyptonline. co. uk) As part of his religious reformation, he opened Egyptian religion for all instead of being exclusive for Egyptian priest. The reason why he rejected Amun as god is because he is the god of secrets. Instead of worshipping a god of secret, he wanted the Egyptian people to worship a god like Aten which reflects its presence through the rays of sun. (usu. edu) Mark Damen described Akhetaten’s god as follows: â€Å"The religious iconography of Akhenaten's new belief system centered around the aten as a divine presence.Representing the life-giving force of the universe, the sun-disk is often depicted in either abstract or personified form, occasionally both at the same time. Though it's most often pictured as a mere circle with rays of light radiating downward, the aten also appears sometimes with little hands appended onto the end of its solar beams holding out to worshipers the ankh, the Egyptian sign of life. In a few instances, the hands are even shoving the ankh rather unceremoniously up the noses of the blessed, a figura tive assertion, no doubt, that the sun offers the â€Å"breath of life.† It would seem less comical today if this sacrament didn't look so much like an incontinent ear-swab. † (usu. edu) Although Akhenaten desired the entire Egptian people to have a relationship with Aten, still the said relationship became exclusive for Akhenaten and his family. Instead of worshipping Aten directly, they just worship the royal family. (ancientegyptonline. co. uk) â€Å"All this concurs well with Akhenaten's religion, where the pharaoh was said to serve as the conduit between humanity and the Aten. In other words, it's through and because of him the sun-disk bestows life on the planet.In his own words, a hymn Akhenaten claims to have composed himself about the Aten† (usu. edu) One reason for this is the torturing heat of the sun in Egypt. One way of worshipping is standing under its presence and basking in its radiance. On the other hand, priests during his reign did not like his religious reformation. His own imposed religion disregard the significance of priest in their religious life for Akhenaten served as a priest. Threats in his kingdom During the Amama period, a widespread of famine and diseases affected the Egyptians. Scholars believed that a plague or influenza killed thousands of lives during that time.I was also believed that that was the same plague in the book of Exodus that there is no sufficient evidence for that. (ancientegyptonline. co. uk) Egyptians viewed this plague as a consequence of neglecting their other gods. Death According to archeologist, there are indications that Akhenaten died in his middle age. Although the cause of his death is still unknown, there are assumptions that he died because of skin cancer. (usu. edu) As part of his religious duty, exposed himself to the torturous heat of the Egyptian sun that might caused him that disease. References Akhenaten and Monotheism.Usu. edu. Febraury 6 2008 Ancient Egypt Online. FEbraur y 6 2008 Bart, Anneke. Ancient Egypt. Euler. slu. edu Febraury 6 2008 Nefertiti: Queen of Dynasty XVII. Mnsu. edu. February 6 2008 Preston, Chester. E History Archive. February 6 2008

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Strategy is Born Essay

The events that were described in this case study sounds to me as if they started off with the planning model of Rational Planning. I say this due to the fact that all the right parties were alerted to what needed to be done with goals being said and set to be put into place for starters. This did help with the main concerns being priorities and kept to along with formations being followed with effective organized tactics. They were put into place after the goals were set and made. As I read this case study and from my understandings this war was being analyzed and evaluated by senior officers in Washington who all had different ways and structures they thought would work best for meeting the goals that had been set into place. This was one of the Rational models of continuing opinions with the planning process in order to see what all has currently worked with what was set to be done and what was not working and needed to be taken out and improved. But with that being said this is where I could see were the Rational Planning model some what worked and where the weakness of the plan begin to splay its role. The thorough communications about the goals that worked and were not working were not being met let alone everyone was on different pages with alternative actions that needed to be done. There were no set connections information being made of all the shared resources at all. First Heading The heading above would be used if you want to have your paper divided into sections based on content. This is the first level of heading, and it is centered and bolded with each word of four letters or more capitalized. The heading should be a short descriptor of the section. Note that not all papers will have headings or subheadings in them. First Subheading The subheading above would be used if there are several sections within the topic labeled in a heading. The subheading is flush left and bolded, with each word of four letters or more capitalized. Second Subheading APA dictates that you should avoid having only one subsection heading and subsection within a section. In other words, use at least two subheadings under a main heading, or do not use any at all. When you are ready to write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start typing. The formatting should stay the same. However, one item that you will have to change is the page header, which is placed at the top of each page along with the page number. The words included in the page header should be reflective of the title of your paper, so that if the pages are intermixed with other papers they will be identifiable. When using Word 2003, double click on the words in the page header. This should enable you to edit the words. You should not have to edit the page numbers. In addition to spacing, APA style includes a special way of citing resource articles. See the APA manual for specifics regarding in-text citations. The APA manual also discusses the desired tone of writing, grammar, punctuation, formatting for numbers, and a variety of other important topics. Although the APA style rules are used in this template, the purpose of the template is only to demonstrate spacing and the general parts of the paper. The student will need to refer to the APA manual for other format directions. GCU has prepared an APA Style Guide available in the Student Writing Center for additional help in correctly formatting according to APA style. The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below; this page includes examples of how to format different reference types (e. g. , books, journal articles, information from a website). The examples on the following page include examples taken directly from the APA manual.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Social work shadowing

Cases are held on a short term bases, which could be Initial Assessment, then or a Core Assessment, or a Strategy meeting then if further work is require, it will then be passed on to the long term Team. It was arranged for me to shadow Robert Mega In the Intake Team; he introduced me to the other team members and found a desk for me next to his own desk. Robert told me that he only Just found that I was to be shadowing him that day and that was why the Team Managers were not aware of It when I was Introduced to them.He asked what I wanted to know or do for the day, I explained that I was there o observe and if able attend visits or meetings. Robert had 2 visits planned, one was an unannounced visit and he had to call before hand regarding the other one. However, when he called and spoke with the client at length, there was no need for an appointment that day. Robert hold another case that he was working on which involved Child Protection issues, he wanted to fully understand the nex t procedures that he needed to undertake and asked if I could look in the London Child Protection procedures to check the next steps he needed to follow.After looking into the Procedures, It would seem that Robert was already on the right track and the next step was to either have a Strategy meeting or undertake a Core Assessment on the family. The Social Work Law Robert was working wealth was Children Act 1989†¦.. Before Robert left for unannounced visit he briefed his Team Manager who gave advice and suggestions to complete during time at the family's home. The arranged time for the visit was planned after young person finishes school and was estimated that she would be at home by the time the visit was to commence.When we arrived he young person was just arriving home, her mother opened the door and if she was surprised, she hid it well and was forthcoming inviting us in. She co-operated well as did young person who was a teenager with all the typical attitudes of a young pe rson her age. The school had raised concerns re the young person, however the concerns were unfounded after Robert spoke with the family. The young person was resistance when asked If we could see her room, but she complied after assurance that It would be a brief observance of the room and nothing more.A meeting was planned at the school which the family will attend and Robert will also attend and discuss his findings. Shadow day 16th May Davis House This Team was a very large team with many Social Workers and a number of Managers as well as a team of Admit workers, finance worker and Project worker. Susan introduced me to the many members of the team, she had already arranged for me to observe within a Referral Strategy Meeting that was due to start. During the introductions with the team one of the Social Workers had a Review Meeting to whichI asked if I could attend and observe. Strategy Meeting was to discuss and arranged and put plans in place regarding the unaccompanied minor who was the subject of the meeting. Brief overview was a 14 year old with a possibility of trafficking background, placed with Foster careers, but has now gone missing. Discussions took place around the safety of the young person, the possibility that she could be in the hands of people who are in the trafficking industry, or maybe she made friends with people she has met and is able to work and sustain herself.Other possibilities were issued and suggestions as to how to locate her were put forward. It was suggested that the Media was a very good source of outlet to use and because the young person might be high risk, this is one way that could bring about positive results. Discussions also took place about the Foster Careers who were currently feeling that they were to blame for YAP going missing. The meeting felt that the foster careers needed further training and that their Supervising Social Worker to visit and offer support.My next observance was the Review meeting of a young person who as now placed with new Foster Careers but the Review was already planned and too late to cancel. There were doubts about the real age of said YAP, it was believed that she was older than she stated, however she had to be treated and referred to as the age she said she was. The Reviewing Officer was very through and all aspects of the reviewing issues of young person were dealt with. I had the opportunity to observe duty and had the procedures explained to me.When an unaccompanied Minor from another present themselves or come to the attention of the Home Office they are offered to Crayon Social Services. There is usually a Social Worker based at the Home Office in Crayon. If there are queries regarding the YAP age, an age assessment need to take place. If the young person appears to be under 16 they are places with Foster Careers if they appear older they are placed in B and passed on to the 16 plus team. All accompanied Minors are placed On Crayon Data base, it seems that Crayon is one of the Boroughs that is targeted by those who claim to be an unaccompanied Minor. Janet Williams

Friday, September 13, 2019

A View on Japanese Customs As Depicted In Films and Figurines

A View on Japanese Customs As Depicted In Films and Figurines Gojira, Hello Kitty, and other forms of Japanese culture have been integrated through popular culture in such things as movies and toys. The aspects that can make these mediums fun and interesting can make them popular which gives a lot of credit to the culture that it is behind. These two forms although representing popular culture, are still able to draw towards representations of everyday life, and Japanese culture. Christine R Yano explains how the consumerism of Hello Kitty has shaped Hello Kitty, and it has become an obsession of a sort. â€Å"Hello Kitty expresses herself through disarming, benign mouthlessness, while Godzilla is dark, and oversized (Yano,153).† The characteristics which Gojira, and Hello Kitty have are important because Hello Kitty’s characteristics of being cute appeal to many people’s senses, and can be the reason why Hello Kitty Goods earned a hundred million from products and an additional four hundred million in licensing fees. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Hello Kitty is described as being â€Å"Irresistable† (Yano, 154). Japan threw elements like these has been able to show other areas of the world their culture, which has prompted integration, but their culture can still be closely derived from the elements represented in these movies, as well as a representation. From looking at elements of media, such as Hello Kitty, and Gojira we are able to see Japanese culture embedded. Though Hello Kitty may be looked at by most people as just simply Japanese cute, it has aspects that help define culture as well. The kitty is small, does not have a mouth, and seems to be staring into a distance. This can be tied into the fact that females in the Japanese culture, are regarded as being passive. We were able to see this aspect while viewing Gojira, in the character of Emiko. In the movie she seems to display a passive role, by crying, and seeming to have a frail personality. Emiko’s role was important in this movie because rather than just making a storyline only it was important to integrate culture so that as the movie is exchanged between different people they can get a feel of Japanese culture. By looking at the overview in Gojira we can also see this well. After the postwar period which Gojira was filmed around, it was a very destructive time, and the whole city was ruined. The movie represents Japan during the postwar period showing some of the suffering which they went through. It helps to show Japanese people’s fear of nuclear attacks, which makes the movie a symbol. Japan does a good job of doing this, but we are also able to see aspects of American culture from some of the media we have looked at. Them! shows the same relationship between popular culture, and culture as do Hello Kitty, and Gojira. The movie which came out in 1954 takes you on a path of monstrous ants, who are trying to take over the world. Them has also been regarded as an important medium in American popular culture as it was integrated in video games, and television shows such as Zombies ate my neighbors, and Invader Zim respectively (Them!) Through the ants conquest which resolves the city is taken over, and many aspects of American culture ensue, and are described. For instance towards the end of the movie the firefighters want to burn the cave because they feel that everyone who is in it must be dead, and it is not worth risking the whole city for. The police officers tell them not to do so because they said they believe two young little boys are in there, and it is not worth risking their lives. This is an important part of the movie because it demonstrates a part of American culture. This illustrates t hat in American culture children are deemed as being very important. The cops made sure that they saved their lives because even two people’s lives were important to them, and they wanted to make sure that everything was ok. The police force was also shown as being very important in the movie which is an aspect that can be true as well in real life. Them did a good job of displaying cultural elements of Godzilla it was able to do the same thing. Them also does a good job of mentioning the atomic bomb which America happened to be testing at that time, and referencing this to the Cold War. This helps a vivid picture of the time period that this movie was made because factual events are being used. Godzilla was derived from Gojira as we have been told many times, but at the same time it has many special elements of its own that illustrate American culture, and popular culture. Through the many versions that Godzilla has been changed it has been able to have many interpretations especially through the different roles that Gojira has taken. In some movies we see Gojira destroying the nation of Japan, but in other instances we see the American version showing how Godzilla is a hero. This has a significant importance because this was probably done to help display a positive image form American culture rather than being the enemies. For this reason Gojira was really important for this reason because it helped bridge the gap, and this was just one of the lasting impacts the cultures had on each other. Through the Pacific Century series we are able to identify different parts of Japanese culture, and see just how exactly Japanese culture evolved. Although at first not everyone was happy about the fact of the U.S. occupying Japan, it had some certain positive characteristics. During the time of their occupation they gave credit to America for the fact that they were able to help them unify Japan, and give them a strong sense of government. America had many intentions of creating positive standards for Japan’s culture whether it was dress, music, or cartoons, but through the two cultures you are able to spot many differences. Coming from an American point of view there were initially many differences between Japanese culture, and American culture. Americans believed that Japan’s technology was different, and a lot more inferior. On Commodore Perry’s conquest to America he brought to them many different types of tools, and toys which fascinated the Japanese. Along with the tools they also introduced Japanese people to western culture by showing them new clothes, education, and music forms. The Americans also did not approve of the governmental system that Japan was run by, and made them change this as well. The Japanese on the other hand saw American people as barbaric, and did not approve of some of their practices. The Americans were surprised to find out that the Japanese regularly took baths (The Pacific Century). Through the close contact that ensued between both cultures we see how each was able to modernize, and use each other’s ideas. By starting off from modernizing during th e time of Perry we see that Japan, and America would have a lot of similarities which would continue for a long time. This would include Japan exchanging anime with America, as well as seemingly all of America’s electronics. Looking at the two cultures we see so many of the aspects that Japan and America share, but if you look more closely you can see some of the differences they possess as well. Through Gojira, Godzilla, and Them, we are able to see differences between Japanese, and American culture. We see how in Gojira the women such as Emiko are given the scared submissive role, but this is very different from Them, when Joan Weldon is one of the main scientists on the team, and conducts the experiments which may be needed to ultimately save mankind. When you look at Hello Kitty as well you see it as being referred to mainly a cute, furry, fuzzy creature that is irresistible. The emphasis of children is taken into great consideration when it comes to looking at American culture, but this differs when you look at Japan. The hydrogen bomb which was used to kill Gojira was thought to be dangerous, but at the same time the larger picture was what many people were considering, rather than the life of just two people. As the cultures of America, and Japan differed drastically this can explain the paths that they took to become more alike, and exchange cultures. It could explai n the paths that they took in order to be modernized as well as aware of other cultures. Modernity is the idea of discontinuing with the past through a process of social, and cultural change, and most importantly it helps to redefine tradition (Crisis of Modernity). Japan and America were both able to be modernized, by adapting new forms of culture, and seeing ways of life. This can highlight the fact that the Meiji Reform had such significant importance because it was a way for Japan to see how the outside and western world was rather than being close minded, and not seeing all it had to offer. The reason why modernization was so important to these two nations is because it was able to help them fend for themselves, as well as learning new ideas. For instance as Japan entered conflicts with America, they needed to modernize to overcome modernity, an idea which we have been presented with in this class. If they did not modernize then they would be subject to attacks, and other consequences that could have ensued. Modernization was popular to them in this way, and it was also important to the Americans as they tried to have contact with other parts of the world. Looking back at the information I have now I would be able to make revisions on how I look at modernization. Modernization is able to be integrated into pop culture, but it cannot entirely define one culture, just by itself. The reason that this hit me is because a couple weeks ago, I would have thought that the insights that Japan gained from the Meiji Restoration entirely defined their culture, and that is false. Modernizing your culture serves to add layers to the foundation that has already been established. Gojira was a movie produced by the Japanese, for the Japanese, and it helped to convey meaning, and display Japanese culture. This was the same way how Them gave a picture of American culture. This is very important to know because when a country is modernized, such as Japan was and tends to adopt jazz, watch movies, and watch certain movies, their core ideals are still the same as they always are. The way people think does not change just because of new things that they have experienced it just means that they have experienced closer contact with other groups, and people. Gojira w as founded in Japan, which had a thriving movie industry before America came into contact with them, and this movie was essential to Japan. When certain culture has elements that make it popular it becomes popular on a world scale leaving room for the discussion of globalization. Globalization can be in ways tied to modernization, and ultimately affects the relationship on how Japan and America, are similar or different. Globalization is human societies having close contact, and being shaped through global integration, whether it be politics, culture, or anything (Global Policy). Popular culture is important in making cultures such as Japan, and America have close contact because so much can be exchanged. From an American point of view you are able to see just how much we have comes from Japan. Whether it is the anime, Hello Kitty, and most importantly Gojira many things are taken from Japan to America in the great cultural exchange. Some of America’s popular culture has gone to Japan as well in the acculturation process by Japanese being enthralled by some American socialites, and movies as well. Globalization plays a big factor in all of this because without popular culture mediums such as Gojira, and Them there would be no standard that would be tr ying to be met. Culture, and pop culture are so important for so many reasons. They effect globalization as well as, modernization, and everything in between. Without clearly defining one, another one may not be defined. The reason that this comes to be is because culture is the underlying precepts which people have been tought to live by, but at the same time this can mingle with culture. The reason that this crosses in with pop culture is because pop culture is a way that you can at times directly relate to other nations. If you are able to relate to them by the mediums you watch, listen to, or however then they can exchange ideas, and other influences with you allowing them to assimilate them to your culture. At times through assimilating your culture through popular culture this allows you to modernize to keep to the standard which the world is embracing. After you are kept to this standard you are ultimately globalized because everyone is sharing ideas from this point, and afterwards it just b ecomes a natural process.

ENGL WEEK 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ENGL WEEK 1 - Assignment Example The similarities of these two types of writings is that they both are effective when it comes to communicating something clear enough to the audience it is meant for (Ellis, et al, 45). The main similarity that they also tend to share is that they all require the competence in grammar for proper written communication. Due to official setting that both academic work and business work require, it is then necessary to deduce that there is requirement for the written communication to be competent in order to avoid issues that may arise regarding misinformation. There are also differences that can be pointed out as far as these two types of writings are concerned. The first is that students write with the purpose of learning whereby in business, writers has the intention to get work done. In scholarly material, the writing is done to demonstrate to which level learning has been accomplished whereby in business setting the writing is to prompt some sort of action to be undertaken by the relevant bodies concerned. The instructor prompts scholarly work whereas business writing is for the complex groups or people that correlate with the company in the likeness of the stakeholders. The content of business writing is based on the thesis of the work provided by the student instructor whereas the in business scenario only what is intended for the audience is included in writing and everything else is added in the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Creative process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creative process - Essay Example tion to such an extent that the ideas can be expressed, selecting an idea or group of ideas from those generated and then producing a possible solution to these concepts. These are often labeled in more scientific fields with such terms as preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. The first two of these processes occur entirely within my mind, almost completely without outside assistance while the second two often include interaction with others as I work to communicate and refine my ideas sufficiently enough to communicate both the idea as well as my solution. Each phase presents its own challenges and approaches. For example, the initial phase is characterized by my interest in solving a problem that I see around me or answering a question I might have about the universe. It can even be something as simply profound as â€Å"why do the whorls in that knot of the tree take on that particular shape?† As I become more and more obsessed with the issue at hand, I begin to gather as much available information about the topic as possible, often allowing myself to freely associate ideas from a number of sources. â€Å"During the initial, intuitive phase, each thought activates, and potentially retrieves information from, a large region containing many memory locations† (Gabora, 2002). Thus, my ideas are generated from the things I see around me as well as my memories of things from the past and images I see as I continue to kick an idea around in my head. This is different from the second stage of my process because it is mostly conscious as I actively seek new ideas for new work. The t hinking taking place is done primarily in the conscious range as I attempt to find answers to any gaps in the ideas that are coming forward and to find ways of connecting them in a unique way. In the second phase of creation, and the one I allow myself the greatest emphasis, I allow the information that has been gathered to freely associate in the subconscious mind,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Theory and concepts of creating a financial model Essay

Theory and concepts of creating a financial model - Essay Example Management should be skeptical of the model assumptions that will be related to the recommendation. There are different types of financial models that are used for various purposes. For example, a cash flow model is regarded as a powerful tool that can assist a financial team with project future performance in a business venture by evaluating the effect of that type transaction such as an an acquisition and LBO(Shim 2007, 67)2. It is also able to calculate returns and perform ration analysis. Financial models for investment options or product services are often custom developed in excel sheets as they take into account for unique characteristics such as cost structure, product market and competitive situation. The following guidelines should be used: Outline the model the type of model structure that would include the general output and the key components.The weight cost and the advantages of the type of model will also be factored in. The forecasting future method should be used in any financial model (Fernholz 2002, 56). When constructing a cash flow model there are a number assumptions that must be included. In this kind of financial model, there is a deterministic approach that uses certain simplifications.Among them is the investment of return that is known and does not usually vary from year to year. Another important aspect is that this rate is the same rate that will be used to discount the reserves and the third aspect is that the ultimate loss ration will be accurately predicted. There are some concepts that one has to know when creating a financial model like a cash flow model. Firstly, you have to have to start with the in mind- This will be inclusive of whether you are pricing options of an investment or building3. With the Cash flow model, you should be able to check for assumptions. From this you would be able to get truthfully generate outputs with a certain number of inputs. This kind of model should be one that you are able to adjust automatic ally and should be dynamic depending on your inputs. This model does not give room for a formula, like for instance, that will multiply a specific number of units with the determined price (Hambrook 2003, 95). This gives room in case the price might change in future. If you use a fixed formula and the prices change in the future, you will be forced to go the right cell of the Excel sheet and make changes every time the price changes. One of the major concerns that most investors have is determining the relationship between the risk and the return of a financial asset. This kind of information can be obtained in his portfolio. It is general knowledge that there is a good relationship between the risk and the expected return of a financial asset. In other words, when the risk of an asset increases, so does its expected return. What this means is that if an investor is taking on a big risk, he is expected to be compensated for doing so with a higher return of sales in the futures. Simi larly, if the investor wants to boost or increase the the expected return of the investment, he needs to be prepared to take on more risk. This is the reason why a portfolio is used to give this important relationship. It is important to note that the concept of Modern Portfolio Theory to show the connection between the risk and return of a portfolio of financial assets. The three types of portfolios that will help us